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  1. IPhone ware

VeriSign EV offers various services, including VeriSign SSL certification, that enable firms (and their clients) to communicate securely. An SSL stands for secure sockets layer. Sensitive information is encrypted by VeriSign oemsoftwarestore biz SSL certifications during online transactions and communicating. This can help avoid identity theft or credit card fraud. VeriSign EV SSL Certificate supplies minimal of 128- bit and up to 256-bit encryption and more than 99% browser recognition. VeriSign Secure Site Expert with EV SSL Certificate is empowered by Server Gated Cryptography (SGC) to help ensure strong encryption to site visitors. Includes $250,000 warranty and the VeriSign Secured Seal. Extended Validation triggers the display of the green address bar in the latest high- Accurate, and security browsers 128-bit SSL Certificates empower every website visitor to experience the strongest SSL encryption available to them. Characteristics & Benefits of Protected Site Expert with EV Certifications Green Address Bar, extended Validation SGC Enabled – Strong Encryption 128-bit minimum to 256-bit encryption Company authentication that is complete 1,500,000 guarantee VeriSign Secured Seal Installation Checker 99.9% Browser Recognition Rate Supports Mobile Devices Contains 30 Day Issuance Insurance Free Vulnerability Actionable & Assessment Report The security of VeriSign Malware Scanning protectionFeatures & Benefits of Secure Website with EV Certifications Lengthy Validation, Green Address Bar 40-bit minimum to 256-bit Encryption 99.9% Browser Recognition Speed Supports Cellular Devices 1,500,000 guarantee VeriSign Secured Seal Contains 30 Day Issuance Insurance Installment Checker Free Vulnerability Actionable & Assessment Report The security of VeriSign Malware Scanning protectionCompatibility of VeriSign EV SSL: Server and Client OS Compatibility: Client OS: Mac OS X, Snow Leapord, Windows 7, Vista, Xp, 2000, Linux Client OS.

IPhone ware

Server OS: Windows Server 2008, 2003, 2000, Linux, UNIX, Solaris, Novell, etc. Web Servers: Microsoft IIS 7, IIS6, Apache, Tomcat, IBM HTTP, Weblogic, Cobalt. E-Mail Servers: Exchange 2010, 2007, 2003 Lotus Dominos, SmarterMail, etc. Control Panels: Plesk6+, Hsphere, Helm, Ensim, DotNet Panel and more. Proxy Server, Routers & Firewalls: CISCO, Microsoft ISA 2004, ISA 2006, etc.Browser Compatibility: Firefox 1+, 3+, 2+ IE 5+, 6+, 7+, 8+ Netscape 4+ Opera 7+ AOL 5+ SafariMobile Browser Compatibility: Microsoft Pocket Internet Explorer Palm / Handspring Blazer 2.0+ Apple Iphone, Ipad Safari Netfront 3.0+ Blackberry AT&T п»ї